The Best of Boomers Summer Happenings

I returned this week from a two-week tour of three countries – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – that are emerging from the shadow of their 20th-century past, when occupied by the Soviet Union. As the Soviet Union collapsed, all three countries became independent and turned westward, establishing democratic governments. They are today modern nations that take pride in their past and look forward to the future – precariously – as they witness the chaos occurring next door in Ukraine. I toured areas of cities dating from the 1200s, elaborate palaces built in the 1500s and 1600s, and peasant cottages. I met wonderful people and ate too much delicious food. 

While I traveled my fellow boomers were busy at home writing…

About their dad

Laurie Stone Writes that her father always loved summer. He was born in late July, smack in the middle of the season, the lushest, most verdant time of year. She thinks of her dad all the time since he passed away eight years ago, but especially this time of year. Here are five summer things that always remind her of him…

Snapping pictures of their pets

There’s a cuteness overload over at Carol Cassara’s blog this week. Check out the cutest dogs in the world in her post “Put a little love in your heart.”

Reminiscing about working with animals

For a few short months, Diane had the privilege of exercising and caring for a string of race horses. For a horse lover, it was paradise!

But she learned something important

Reading a new book

Do you enjoy going to art experiences and unique exhibitions? Linda Fischbach, who is an art authority, among other things, has written a book about where you can find these experiences all over the United States. It will be released in September 2023 but is available for pre-order. Rebecca Olkowski with writes more about it here.

Finding out what’s for sale

Look for back to school sales in August and also sales on summer clothes, laptops, patio furniture, garden tools, luggage, and more, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Check out her article for more information on August deals and, in addition, what not to buy in August.

This week we welcome a new month. Enjoy another month of summer!


3 responses to “The Best of Boomers Summer Happenings”

  1. Diane Avatar

    Awesome post, Meryl! Thank you!

  2. Carol c Avatar

    Another good edition.

  3. Laurie Stone Avatar

    Nice bunch of posts, Meryl! Thanks!