Best Of Boomers Labor Day Edition

It is hard to believe summer is almost over. Not according to the calendar, but in the daily lives of folks I know. Grandkids head back to school, vacations end, summer residents pack up and move on. Hours of daylight contract, and oppressive humidity and 90-degree temperatures vanish. 

The holiday weekend ushered in perfect transitional weather. A slight breeze and a hot but not stifling atmosphere beckoned. I felt guilty about neglecting outdoor activities during stifling summer days. It was time to turn over a seasonal leaf. I plucked my walking sticks out of the closet and took a long jaunt for the first time in weeks. I was not the only one. Mid-day and neighborhood streets teemed with holiday celebrants promenading, cycling, walking dogs, pushing strollers, everyone eager to enjoy the ideal outdoor ambiance before returning to post-summer life. 

The arrival of a new season indicates that it is time to hit the road once again. One of my fellow boomers offers an interesting travel idea…

Have you ever dreamed about walking El Camino de Santiago in Spain or taking another long walk? How about doing it solo? Suzanne Maggio has taken three long walks including El Camino and the Francigena trail in Italy. Rebecca Olkowski, with, interviewed her about her walks and book Estrellas: Moments of Illumination Along El Camino de Santiago.

Another boomer found a fascinating curiosity in her yard.

It started as a small bright white orb next to Laurie’s pond. At first, she thought a neighborhood kid had left behind a somewhat deflated soccer ball. But as the days and weeks went by, this strange thing kept growing… and growing… and growing. Eventually it reached the size of a beach ball. What’s happening, she wondered?

A few suggestions on appreciating life from another boomer blogger.

Carol Cassara ran across this old blog post…before politics became so terrifying…before the pandemic, and while short and simple, it contains some good advice for everyone. Check out How to Enjoy Life.

And finally advice on one of our favorite pastimes – shopping!

September is a great month to shop, meaning you don’t have to wait until Black Friday for top-notch bargains. Look for bargains on clothing, mattresses, grills, appliances, patio furniture, and more, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Even better, September features more than just Labor Day sales.


2 responses to “Best Of Boomers Labor Day Edition”

  1. Laurie Stone Avatar

    The weather has been lovely for walking in Connecticut too! Have never tried walking sticks. Maybe someday.

  2. Carol Avatar

    Ahh…the world is righted when I read my fave bloggers

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