Boomer Breakouts and Home Predicaments

Travel can be fun, exhilarating, enlightening, magical…and exhausting. I returned this week from a week-long vacation with my 13-year-old granddaughter. Keeping up with a teenager 24/7 wore me out! But for me it was a trip of a lifetime – we traveled to the jungles of Ecuador and the Galapagos islands – and provided lifetime memories for my granddaughter.

I was not the only boomer who enjoyed a break this week…

A short getaway is one of the best ways to beat stress. Rebecca Olkowski, with, got away to Palm Springs, California for two nights and met up with her sister. Both had a fabulous time walking, shopping, and eating. Read about her trip here.

Being away from home sometimes results in surprises when returning home, as our consumer and personal finance journalist discovered…

Are you prepared for a power outage? Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, reports on how she and her daughter did when they returned from a trip to Portland, Oregon, to find the power out. Her article also includes a list of tips on ways to prepare for a power outage.

We spend a lot of time at our favorite place – home – but occasionally issues arise that must be dealt with, as Laurie Stone discusses.

Cole Porter sang, “Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it.” Now, to no one’s surprise, coyotes do it too. Except, when coyotes “fall in love,” they become a public nuisance. Coyote mating season is upon Laurie‘s sleepy Connecticut town, and it’s temporarily changed everyone’s lives.

It may be cold, rainy or snowy outside, but the month of March promises spring is not far away. Think positive!

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2 responses to “Boomer Breakouts and Home Predicaments”

  1. Laurie Stone Avatar

    Thanks, Meryl. Looks great!

  2. Rita Avatar

    Great job. Many thanks.

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