Category: aging

  • Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Mom celebrated her 100th birthday the first weekend of the New Year. Born January 2, 1925, she experienced the Depression, a world war, peace at home, and political turmoil twice; during the 1960s and 70s, and the ongoing saga of the latest decade. Her life embraced a happy only-child upbringing, college during the war years followed…

  • The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    It is probably decadent to admit, but I can spend an entire day doing almost nothing. My seventy-something body occasionally sends me an unmistakable message: Enough! Stop! I need rest! I need to recharge! What follows is time spent doing almost nothing. It might be a short time, a couple of hours or longer –…

  • My Post-Surgery Misadventure

    My Post-Surgery Misadventure

    A favorite restaurant is located three blocks from my house. I walked out my front door early on a pristine autumn morning, not a cloud in the sky, the sun shining, warming the night-chilled landscape.  I walked slowly, unsure how my body would react six days after surgery. The past few days had been spent…

  • Little Girl’s Bicycle or Old Lady’s Bike?

    Little Girl’s Bicycle or Old Lady’s Bike?

    Years ago my son assembled a bicycle for me, a sleek golden model with thin tires, 15 speeds, hand brakes, and a top tube across the frame – the sign of a boy’s bike. I enjoyed the ride and relished the sensation on my face as I leaned forward against the wind and struggled to…

  • I Am a World-class Procrastinator

    I Am a World-class Procrastinator

    I have learned many skills over the years, a lot useful, others not so much, and many forgotten. For instance my ability to solve math equations and speak a foreign language disappeared. Those particular brain cells are dormant, and resurrecting them a chore more difficult than I wish to tackle.  One skill often used and…

  • Musings on Other People Moving

    Musings on Other People Moving

    My neighbor is moving. She knocked on our door one day, came in for a few minutes of small talk and said, “I want you to know before I do anything. I’m selling my house.” We knew this day would come. Her brother moved to a town 50 miles away, and she often drives to…

  • Musings on Becoming Irrelevant 

    Musings on Becoming Irrelevant 

    My Florida family rented a home in my resort community for two weeks. Teenagers now, the grandkids’ are immersed in their generational lifestyle. Friends rule. Family time is enjoyed until teen goings-on beckon. Their parents’ lifestyle is not a lot different than their kids. With friends who live in the Northeast, a shore vacation offers…

  • This Week I Aged Another Year

    This Week I Aged Another Year

    A day dawned this week when I officially became a year older.  At my age it is not a big event to close the chapter on one year and begin a new one, especially when the new year does not mark a milestone. A number ending in a 0 or 5 designates a benchmark year,…

  • Retired Once Again and Pondering a Universal Question

    Retired Once Again and Pondering a Universal Question

    I have retired. Again. Not from paid employment, but from a part-time volunteer job. A couple of years before Covid our town sponsored a Farmers Market. Less than 20 vendors signed up and braved the unknown retail environment. This summer over 60 vendors fill a church parking lot every Friday morning. A waiting list of…

  • Time and Energy – Priceless

    Time and Energy – Priceless

    There are only so many hours in a day. A cliché, I know, but a truism that becomes truer as the years fly by, at least for me.  As I age and the years tick off one by one, it seems I have less time to do anything. I realize nothing changes, but my body…