Category: boomer life

  • Immersed in the Daily Life of Costa Rica 

    Immersed in the Daily Life of Costa Rica 

    I wanted to immerse myself in the local culture of Costa Rica – la pura vida, and I succeeded, although two experiences in two days have not been quite as expected.  But definitely memorable. The first episode: No one wants to get sick while traveling. Illness can ruin a perfectly wonderful vacation.  I woke one…

  • Two Days, Two Hotels, One Town

    Photo by Meryl Baer I never considered myself high maintenance, and my husband Steve would generally agree with me. However at times my flexibility and willingness to ‘go with the flow’ is tested. That is what happened upon our arrival in the Costa Rican town of Domenical, a quaint Spanish/California/hippie hodge-podge of an enclave famous…

  • Musings on Life in Paradise

    Musings on Life in Paradise

    What is life in Paradise like? For each of us the answer would be different, although some things might be the same. We all want to live in a safe and secure place, unconcerned about monetary shortfalls, and enjoy comfortable living quarters. Ideal weather may vary – some like it hot, others more moderate, which…

  • My Senior-Style Winter Break Begins

    My Senior-Style Winter Break Begins

    The sensation of sunlit warmth on my Northern pale skin did not initially materialize as my husband Steve and I settled into temporary digs, our home away from home for three weeks.  It took an entire day to recover from our trip south, an endless 15-hour journey door to door. We are no longer young,…

  • A Very Long Air Travel Day

    A Very Long Air Travel Day

    Who decreed air travel should be so challenging, time-consuming, and aggravating? It is the 21st century! Why can’t gurus with business brains make a journey a seamless experience? Where is Scotty (of Star Trek fame) – ‘beam me up, Scotty’ – when you need him? Long-distance trips for the wealthy can be pleasant, even enjoyable (or so I’ve…

  • My Next Year’s Intentions

    My Next Year’s Intentions

    I hesitate to use the lofty words ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions’. Previous years come and go, and unfulfilled ambitions are left behind. Looking back on 2025 a year from now, I don’t want to disappoint myself too much. I am trying to be determined yet realistic.  Here are my (hopefully) reasonable and achievable intentions for the…

  • December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    I experienced the first snow of the season this weekend when visiting my Mom in Harrisburg, PA. It wasn’t a big storm, but enough to coat the world in white. A wonderful way to usher in the December holidays!  This season often initiates memories of past holiday festivities… They still haunt Laurie. She catches glimpses of…

  • My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter

    My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter

    2024 began with a favorite activity – travel – a fun-filled family vacation in Puerto Rico, followed by a peaceful two weeks in Mexico, just my husband Steve and me. Immersed in a foreign culture, I spent a lot of time devouring delightful repasts I did not prepare. Back home I cocooned in New Jersey.…

  • The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    It is probably decadent to admit, but I can spend an entire day doing almost nothing. My seventy-something body occasionally sends me an unmistakable message: Enough! Stop! I need rest! I need to recharge! What follows is time spent doing almost nothing. It might be a short time, a couple of hours or longer –…

  • The Humble Potato Shines on My Plate

    The Humble Potato Shines on My Plate

    The feasting season officially arrived. I finished leftover Thanksgiving fare on Saturday evening. My sister provided the banquet, and I returned home with a plate of delicious food: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping – excellent examples of comfort food, typical American fare, but not the healthiest choices. Broccoli represented greens…