Category: memoir
An Almost Disastrous 1979 Event Remembered
My family moved into our new home in southcentral Pennsylvania one day after a snowstorm in February 1979. Me, my husband Steve and our two sons – three-year-old Matthew and one-year-old Jason – had barely settled in when upheaval temporarily disrupted our lives. The historic episode that placed my family and community in danger began…
A Very White Wedding Day
The hype before Valentine’s Day seems to increase and last longer each year. Or maybe it is simply my imagination. The cold and snowy weather this year brought back memories of the winter weather over my wedding weekend. I was not married on Valentine’s Day, but a week later… Engaged my junior year in college,…
Family and Community Thanksgiving Traditions
Families have their holiday customs. For years our family observed a tradition my sons are thrilled not to continue. The Gathering of the Leaves A lot of trees covered our property. Mature trees with leaves, the kind that sail to earth in the autumn. We never invested in a leaf blower. Why waste the money…
A Proud Cat Lady Confesses
I grew up a cat girl. I don’t remember NOT having a cat roam around my house. Cats birthed kittens and my family often kept one or two of the offspring. Our cats ran free outside, never confined indoors. Black was the most prevalent color, Midnight an example of an appropriate name for one of…
Musings on Old Friends Gone and Those Still Around
A friend texted me the obituary. I had not seen or spoken to Viv for years but considered her a dear past friend. She occasionally showed up in my Facebook feed. I am dismally neglectful at maintaining communications with folks as the years roll by. They moved away, I moved away, life interferes. Viv relocated…
Musings On Growing Up a Mid-20th Century Girl
1950s: Everyone argued with each other as the relentless heat irritated the entire family. Dad finally cried, “Enough!” and moved the TV set to a large window facing the backyard. We marched outside, set up lawn chairs facing the screen, and passed bowls of popcorn, hoping the minutest breeze would relieve the heat and humidity. “Great…
Memories of a Manhattan Christmas
My childhood Christmas memories center on my aunt and uncle’s Manhattan apartment, overflowing with relatives, holiday trappings, and delicious food. But before the festivities began, my family had to travel to Manhattan. We lived on Long Island, normally an hour’s drive from Manhattan. Nothing was normal about driving on Christmas Day. New York City roads…
All in the Family Changing Christmas Traditions
The holidays conjure up memories of celebrations past – good ones, some not so positive, others we prefer to forget. This particular memory should most likely be left behind. The phone rang one December evening. “Hi, can I talk to Stevie?” I recognized my brother-in-law Will’s voice and began to search the house for my…
Long Day’s Journey through the Night
The holiday season stirs memories of seasons past. This is a story of one holiday trip my family experienced years ago. Disclaimer: No apologies if family and friends who accompanied me on this journey challenge my version of events. Hour 1 Christmas vacation offered a perfect time to visit aging relatives and younger cousins in…
Musings of a Mature Belly Dancer
My dance experience begins at the tender age of four. My mother enrolled me in a ballet class. I spent an hour a week pirouetting and spinning. There was a recital at the end of the year – my first and last public appearance as a dancer for decades. Imagine a line of a dozen…