Dining Out Without a Coupon

Cleaning out a kitchen drawer one day I came upon a coupon to a local restaurant. I recalled purchasing it online a few months back. It happened to be winter when I bought the coupon. Going out at night in cold, dark, nasty weather when not necessary does not appeal, so when I received the coupon I threw it in a drawer to use at a later date. And forgot about it. 

For some wild reason months later I got the urge to purge. It was winter once again, cold and menacing outside, so I was happy to stay indoors. 

I don’t know why I didn’t put the coupon on my refrigerator. That was a mistake. If on the fridge and in plain sight, I would have occasionally glanced at it and remembered, ‘oh, maybe I won’t cook tonight, let’s go out to dinner!’ But I didn’t. I tossed it in a drawer. So out of sight, out of mind.

But as I cleaned the drawer there it was. The coupon beckoned to me. “Use me, use me! Take me out of this dark drawer!”
So I did.

Spring had sprung, so hub and I could enjoy an early dinner and get home before or soon after dark. It might be cold outside, but not frigid. No need to don layers of sweaters and a coat and boots. Am I getting old or what!?

I scooped the coupon up, placed it in my pocketbook, and headed out the door. As hub drove I fished the coupon out of my bag and perused it more carefully than before, reviewing all the information, including the fine print I had to squint to read.

Uh oh.

I screwed up.

The coupon expired four days earlier.

After a short conversation we agreed to go to the restaurant and plead our case. Hub parked the car and I went inside. 

To make a short story even shorter, I walked out of the restaurant a few minutes after entering. I realize I erred, but was more irritated by the attitude and arrogance of the two employees (not kids) I spoke with. I would have been OK if they had said, sorry, we can’t honor it because…and were nice about it. They were not. I wasn’t going to give that restaurant and those mean employees my money and the satisfaction of eating at their establishment. 

We drove to a favorite bar-restaurant that offered good food, reasonable prices, and friendly staff. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and returned home for coffee. 

I learned my lessons. First, don’t save coupons in a place that is out of sight. And second, read the fine print!



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3 responses to “Dining Out Without a Coupon”

  1. Laurie Stone Avatar

    That’s too bad and having a snotty attitude doesn’t help. If they had let you in, they would’ve had two loyal customers for life.

  2. Carol Cassara Avatar

    Well, yeah. ..for sure this has happened to us!

  3. Rita Avatar

    It just makes such a difference, doesn’t it. If people in business establishments can just be a little bit nice. The nurse at the doctor’s office was grumpy with me, but receptionists at two dental offices were pleasant. What a difference.

    A tip. Keep coupons in a folder that you check weekly.

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