What is life in Paradise like?
For each of us the answer would be different, although some things might be the same. We all want to live in a safe and secure place, unconcerned about monetary shortfalls, and enjoy comfortable living quarters. Ideal weather may vary – some like it hot, others more moderate, which is my preference. Some outliers relish cold weather for the recreational benefits.
Young folks may desire an adventurous lifestyle. As I age a degree of comfort, confidence and sanctuary prevails. The location may be the beach or mountains, a vibrant city or country coziness.
Or anyplace away from one’s everyday environment. At this period of my life, and especially because of the political climate in the United States, for me, and for many Americans, the urge to seek out surroundings muted from the negativity that overwhelms our society appeals.
My current temporary residence is a far-from-home Paradise. The weather is sunny and balmy, with temperatures hovering during the day in the 70s. The town of Ajijic hugs the shoreline of Lake Chapala in the mountains of Mexico. I walk along the Malecon, the Boardwalk, and the waters and surroundings calm my tense mind. People walk their dogs, teens and children rush by, seniors meander along, couples hold hands, and folks stop to talk to acquaintances.
My day begins later than at home and ends earlier. In-between I enjoy coffee and a leisurely breakfast with my fellow hotel guests, then retire to a table outside my room and write, spend a few minutes on online puzzles, catch up on emails, and for a short time scan the news.
Midafternoon Steve and I take a long walk and relish a late lunch in one of the numerous cafes, restaurants, and hole-in-the-wall eateries around town. Dining out does not entail a major financial investment, and leisurely dining is the norm. Sometimes we stop off in the plaza for coffee or ice cream before returning ‘home’.

Our room has an almost fully equipped kitchen (I am the dishwasher!), and enjoy making VERY simple meals. I purchase fresh produce, bread, and other eye-appealing products at a local farmer’s market.
The laid-back lifestyle suits me.
Yet the realities of life intrude.
I worry about the future. I am baffled by what has happened in my country and what is yet to come. I am sad that the country has fallen to a low no one could have imagined, except the people perpetrating the debacle.
Will the country rise from the ruins? I would be devastated if the answer is no. I can only be long-term positive while the situation deteriorates and disintegrates around me.
I survey the chaos from abroad. I cannot cut myself off, so I am not quite in an ideal place mentally. Thus, my tense state of mind. But there is space between me and the constant barrage of occurrences. I need time to digest what has happened, and what might follow. I am not yet able to fathom how changes will impact me, my family, acquaintances, and friends, indirectly and directly.
As executive orders and changes rain down upon the public, negative consequences will be felt by the man and woman in the street, and folks will get annoyed, then angry. They will weigh what they consider positive strides against the negative ones. I believe the negative scale will far outweigh the positive. How long will it take for the craziness to implode? Will my sanity survive?
Unanswered questions interrupt my peaceful demeanor. There will be plenty of time to contemplate the country’s state of affairs and my sanity when I return home.
Meantime I immerse myself in my temporary Paradise and enjoy the senior-style, laid-back life, and peacefulness for a few more days.
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