My Next Year’s Intentions

I hesitate to use the lofty words ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions’. Previous years come and go, and unfulfilled ambitions are left behind. Looking back on 2025 a year from now, I don’t want to disappoint myself too much. I am trying to be determined yet realistic. 

Here are my (hopefully) reasonable and achievable intentions for the following year. But first, an explanation…

‘Brain rot’ has been named the 2024 Oxford Word of the Year.

‘Brain rot’ is defined as “the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging. Also: something characterized as likely to lead to such deterioration”.

I have not totally succumbed to brain rot, but as I read the definition realize I am on my way. I spend too much time on mindless TV sitcoms, series, and the drone of news commentators, as well as an excessive amount of time online. The result is too much wasted time.

I am too old to waste too much time.

My intention for the following year is to embody the opposite of brain rot. 

The following brain rot antonyms describe what I hope will characterize my undertaking: thoughtful awareness, mental vigor and alertness, mindfulness, and focused attention. I hope these words define my outlook and approach a good part of the time in 2025 – not all the time. We all need downtime.

My main 2025 goal: Focus on my writing. I have not kept up my writing as diligently as I would like. I am an erratic doer of a lot of things and a world-class procrastinator. 

My website is a mess. I need professional assistance to make it ‘right’. (Does anyone know a good reasonably priced webmaster?)

I hope to organize years of essays, vignettes, mini-pieces, and longer writings into a coherent read, which will probably involve two or more ‘books’ – the word book used loosely here. 

Additional intentions for the year: Consistent exercise. Avoidance of sugary sweets. Fewer hours wasted on mindless TV. Clean my closet.

And perhaps most important, which I have minimal control over – Stay healthy!

Meanwhile…my stomach wants lunch. Hub demands help. Laundry needs attention. Exercise beckons. Emails mushroom. My almost-empty fridge requires restocking. Life interferes! BUT…

2025 awaits my time, attention, love, and work. Bring it on!



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One response to “My Next Year’s Intentions”

  1. Carol Cassara Avatar

    I love the replacement of resolution with intention. All good in my opinion! More realistic.