Out of Step Out of Line 

I am rarely political on my blog, but sometimes cannot resist. I thought about punching someone, but that would make a sorry situation worse. So I threw some of my rage and fury into my writing. I needed to vent…

I was wondering what would happen – or will happen – when DOGE dudes get ahold of my government files; information buried in computer records left to drift aimlessly in the cloud for years. 

No one cared about me or my information over the past decades. Why would they? I was not and never will be wealthy, or even obnoxiously affluent. I was never arrested, whether for a major crime like bank robbery (the only way I would ever become rich) or a minor infraction like jaywalking. But my fingerprints are on file. I was fingerprinted for a job back in the 1990s. However they will never match crime scene prints. I am a notoriously straight-laced, law-abiding citizen.

But things have changed. Musk’s men are on a rampage to devour my life story. They want to know all about me – my jobs, salaries, ATM withdrawals, my Starbucks purchases, my friends, relatives, acquaintances and neighbors, my furry housemates.

Do my files indicate who I voted for over the years? Will they target me because I am a registered Democrat? I have in the past voted for Republicans, although it has been many…many…years since I pulled the R lever.

What will they do with my data?

As they sort through the documents, they will be disappointed. There is nothing that will excite them, get them eager to swoop down on me and do…what? Interrogate me? As I age I experience memory lapses. Will they take “don’t remember” as evasive action on my part? Some juicy tidbit I am not divulging? Will they deny me my Starbucks iced latte? 

My top secrets are not secrets at all. They are boring data points detailing my life story. Married..moved…changed jobs…no job…What scandalous morsel could I divulge about anyone? I never dated or befriended anyone famous or infamous. I don’t think I know anyone famous or infamous. 

Maybe they want my information because boring, law-abiding, non-wealthy citizens are not members of the in-crowd nowadays. Maybe they want my information to influence me – send emails and texts and packages urging me to vote for ???, asking for donations for candidates running for office around the country (what are billionaires for?), or support a cause I have no interest in supporting and probably vehemently oppose. 

I never rioted, or shot anyone, or abused anyone mentally or physically, or told outrageous lies (only small insignificant ones), or had affairs, or knowingly treated anyone badly, or wore a particular red baseball cap, or called individuals or groups of people mean, nasty names. I consider myself fairly open-minded and tolerant. 

Of course I have made mistakes and missteps, but (usually) acknowledge my errors.

I am boring. Maybe that’s it. DOGErs want to harass citizens who pay taxes, don’t break the law, and don’t salivate before their ruling master and his sidekick. Keep them in line! Don’t make waves! 

But I won’t fall in line. 

My files may suddenly become interesting.



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One response to “Out of Step Out of Line ”

  1. Laurie Stone Avatar


    It’s all crazy lately. I’m also boring, but scared they might start fiddling with social security, medicare, etc. You never know. We all feel helpless.

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