Musings of a Shore Life

  • A Very Long Air Travel Day

    A Very Long Air Travel Day

    Who decreed air travel should be so challenging, time-consuming, and aggravating? It is the 21st century! Why can’t gurus with business brains make a journey a seamless experience? Where is Scotty (of Star Trek fame) – ‘beam me up, Scotty’ – when you need him? Long-distance trips for the wealthy can be pleasant, even enjoyable (or so I’ve…

  • Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Mom celebrated her 100th birthday the first weekend of the New Year. Born January 2, 1925, she experienced the Depression, a world war, peace at home, and political turmoil twice; during the 1960s and 70s, and the ongoing saga of the latest decade. Her life embraced a happy only-child upbringing, college during the war years followed…

  • My Next Year’s Intentions

    My Next Year’s Intentions

    I hesitate to use the lofty words ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions’. Previous years come and go, and unfulfilled ambitions are left behind. Looking back on 2025 a year from now, I don’t want to disappoint myself too much. I am trying to be determined yet realistic.  Here are my (hopefully) reasonable and achievable intentions for the…

  • December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    I experienced the first snow of the season this weekend when visiting my Mom in Harrisburg, PA. It wasn’t a big storm, but enough to coat the world in white. A wonderful way to usher in the December holidays!  This season often initiates memories of past holiday festivities… They still haunt Laurie. She catches glimpses of…

  • My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter

    My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter

    2024 began with a favorite activity – travel – a fun-filled family vacation in Puerto Rico, followed by a peaceful two weeks in Mexico, just my husband Steve and me. Immersed in a foreign culture, I spent a lot of time devouring delightful repasts I did not prepare. Back home I cocooned in New Jersey.…

  • The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing

    It is probably decadent to admit, but I can spend an entire day doing almost nothing. My seventy-something body occasionally sends me an unmistakable message: Enough! Stop! I need rest! I need to recharge! What follows is time spent doing almost nothing. It might be a short time, a couple of hours or longer –…

  • The Humble Potato Shines on My Plate

    The Humble Potato Shines on My Plate

    The feasting season officially arrived. I finished leftover Thanksgiving fare on Saturday evening. My sister provided the banquet, and I returned home with a plate of delicious food: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping – excellent examples of comfort food, typical American fare, but not the healthiest choices. Broccoli represented greens…

  • Family and Community Thanksgiving Traditions 

    Family and Community Thanksgiving Traditions 

    Families have their holiday customs. For years our family observed a tradition my sons are thrilled not to continue. The Gathering of the Leaves A lot of trees covered our property. Mature trees with leaves, the kind that sail to earth in the autumn. We never invested in a leaf blower. Why waste the money…

  • Fact, Fiction, and Myths of Thanksgiving

    Fact, Fiction, and Myths of Thanksgiving

    In elementary school we colored pictures of Pilgrims and Indians dressed in clothes they wore in the 17th century – or so we assumed. Pilgrims and Indians were friends – we presumed. We gathered around our family table and devoured delicious dishes the Pilgrims and Indians ate 400 years ago – or so we thought. …

  • Our Tapestry of Love

    Our Tapestry of Love

    I don’t write poetry, but a year ago I lost a mentor and a friend. When I started writing about her, these words seemed the best way to characterize our relationship, and what she meant to my writing group. I open a door, shove one foot in front of another and step inside. Faces unfamiliar…

Got any book recommendations?