Musings of a Shore Life

  • I’m Back With the Boomers This Week

    I’m Back With the Boomers This Week

    Welcome to my new website, Musings of a Shore Life, a work in progress. This venture resulted from issues encountered with my previous blog, which is no longer available. It was time for a fresh start. I look forward to publishing posts about my sane life in the midst of an insane world. Come along for…

  • Mature Women Athletes Rock!

    I watched my son race in a triathlon, an athletic event comprising three activities: a swim, bike ride, and a run. Distances vary depending on the event. What amazed me as I strolled the sidelines was the number of women in their 60s and 70s, and a few in their 80s, competing. I felt admiration…

  • Senior Stereotypes Stick Around

    I played a game with my 6-year-old granddaughter. She had a list of questions on a variety of topics. I asked a question, and she looked at the picture and stated her answer. Which tail belongs to the squirrel? Which house looks like the one in the circle? What symbol tells you not to cross the…

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