Tag: aging
Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low
Mom celebrated her 100th birthday the first weekend of the New Year. Born January 2, 1925, she experienced the Depression, a world war, peace at home, and political turmoil twice; during the 1960s and 70s, and the ongoing saga of the latest decade. Her life embraced a happy only-child upbringing, college during the war years followed…
The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing
It is probably decadent to admit, but I can spend an entire day doing almost nothing. My seventy-something body occasionally sends me an unmistakable message: Enough! Stop! I need rest! I need to recharge! What follows is time spent doing almost nothing. It might be a short time, a couple of hours or longer –…
Little Girl’s Bicycle or Old Lady’s Bike?
Years ago my son assembled a bicycle for me, a sleek golden model with thin tires, 15 speeds, hand brakes, and a top tube across the frame – the sign of a boy’s bike. I enjoyed the ride and relished the sensation on my face as I leaned forward against the wind and struggled to…
I Am a World-class Procrastinator
I have learned many skills over the years, a lot useful, others not so much, and many forgotten. For instance my ability to solve math equations and speak a foreign language disappeared. Those particular brain cells are dormant, and resurrecting them a chore more difficult than I wish to tackle. One skill often used and…
Musings on Other People Moving
My neighbor is moving. She knocked on our door one day, came in for a few minutes of small talk and said, “I want you to know before I do anything. I’m selling my house.” We knew this day would come. Her brother moved to a town 50 miles away, and she often drives to…
Musings on the Transformations Around Me
Like life, my neighborhood changes over time. Homes transfer ownership. New people spend weeks and sometimes months renovating, redecorating, refurbishing. Or they tear down a fine old home – one that needs updating, but has a warmness and positive vibe not easily duplicated – and build a larger building, a three or four-story house that…
Musings on Becoming Irrelevant
My Florida family rented a home in my resort community for two weeks. Teenagers now, the grandkids’ are immersed in their generational lifestyle. Friends rule. Family time is enjoyed until teen goings-on beckon. Their parents’ lifestyle is not a lot different than their kids. With friends who live in the Northeast, a shore vacation offers…
This Week I Aged Another Year
A day dawned this week when I officially became a year older. At my age it is not a big event to close the chapter on one year and begin a new one, especially when the new year does not mark a milestone. A number ending in a 0 or 5 designates a benchmark year,…
Time and Energy – Priceless
There are only so many hours in a day. A cliché, I know, but a truism that becomes truer as the years fly by, at least for me. As I age and the years tick off one by one, it seems I have less time to do anything. I realize nothing changes, but my body…