Tag: birthdays

  • Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low

    Mom celebrated her 100th birthday the first weekend of the New Year. Born January 2, 1925, she experienced the Depression, a world war, peace at home, and political turmoil twice; during the 1960s and 70s, and the ongoing saga of the latest decade. Her life embraced a happy only-child upbringing, college during the war years followed…

  • Every Year Older But Not Wiser

    Every Year Older But Not Wiser

    By the time my birthday arrived each year, school was out. No cupcakes for my elementary school class, no ribbon corsages in junior high, no friends to celebrate with as they scattered…somewhere. June birthdays are often relegated to second-tier status, shoved to the background, subordinate to end-of-school events, graduations, weddings, and the onset of summer…