Tag: boomer life
Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers
What do you do when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open? The scenario: you have spent days awakened several times during the night, slept on a sofa instead of enfolded in a warm blanket in your comfy, spacious bed, popped up and down all day tending to an injured hub,…
Time and Energy – Priceless
There are only so many hours in a day. A cliché, I know, but a truism that becomes truer as the years fly by, at least for me. As I age and the years tick off one by one, it seems I have less time to do anything. I realize nothing changes, but my body…
A Memorable Library Visit, Thank You Grandkids
One of the pleasures of grandparenthood is chauffeuring the grandkids near and far. We live a thousand miles from our progeny, so visits are spread out and therefore special. At times simple missions produce unforeseen outcomes. My granddaughter skipped over to the children’s room, chose half a dozen books, dumped them in my lap, and…
Musings On My Youthful Past and Grown-up Present
Paul McCartney officially announced the Beatles would split up on April 10, 1970. The event struck a nerve with me, one more nail in the coffin of my shattered image of life as ideal. The first nail had been hammered in a few years earlier with the death of President Kennedy. A cloud swept across…
Boomers on Art, Critters, Clothes, and more
A round-trip drive to Long Island, NY has bracketed my weekends the past two months. Mom moved into an assisted living facility. My sister and I emptied her apartment and prepared it for sale. I typically avoid driving through Manhattan, the heart and soul of New York City, but Sunday I deviated from my normal…
Spring Arrives and I am Ready!
The weather around my slice of the world has been erratic recently. One day cold and windy, a couple of torrential rain days, teaser days of sunny, warmish temperatures. Outside the cozy confines of my home, my gray yard starts to come to life. Yellow daffodils swing in the wind and green shoots sprout from…
Moving Mom Déjà vu
Fourteen years ago Mom moved from the home she lived in for 50 years to a condo in a 55+ apartment house. She adjusted well. Her friends and activities were within an easy driving distance, and my sister and I felt comfortable with her in a secure environment. Two years ago Mom reluctantly gave up…
A Retiree’s Decadent Delight
I sit on my comfy couch, a blanket helping to ward off the winter chill that seeps inside the house and remains until spring. The TV drones on, but I half-pay attention. My computer hums as I review and respond to emails, scan the news headlines, and complete my daily quota of puzzles. I have…
A Reality Show, Heart Health, Higher Food Prices, and more from the Boomers
A drive in, around, or through the New York metropolitan area can be a harrowing experience. There is no such thing as a traffic-free, no-hassle trip. Construction, traffic jams, and accidents all make the journey an adventure, and rarely a good one. Family matters found me visiting Long Island two weeks in a row, with…
Musings on Old Friends Gone and Those Still Around
A friend texted me the obituary. I had not seen or spoken to Viv for years but considered her a dear past friend. She occasionally showed up in my Facebook feed. I am dismally neglectful at maintaining communications with folks as the years roll by. They moved away, I moved away, life interferes. Viv relocated…