Tag: boomer life
Why is Simple Sometimes Not So Simple?
Is it me? Am I so techno-mechanical dumb that a step-by-step simple task turns out to be, for me, not so simple? At times an item supposedly user-friendly and easy to assemble morphs into an undertaking difficult to complete or never accomplished. How many gray hairs and sparse spots exist on my head because I…
We All Scream for ICE CREAM!
Maybe not scream, but verbally make our desire known. Forcefully. And we desire ice cream often. ‘We,’ meaning a lot of us, although not all of us. I realize there are a few souls out there who are not ice cream fans. All I can say is…I’m sorry. Ice cream enthusiasts have their favorites –…
In Pursuit of a Bagel
One of the best bagel stores in the world is located in my town. Open seven days a week all year, the place is a community fixture and go-to hotspot for coffee, bagel sandwiches, and fresh bagels to take home and load with cream cheese and smoked fish, chicken, tuna, or egg salads, or whatever…
This Week I Aged Another Year
A day dawned this week when I officially became a year older. At my age it is not a big event to close the chapter on one year and begin a new one, especially when the new year does not mark a milestone. A number ending in a 0 or 5 designates a benchmark year,…
Boomers on a new sport, the blessings of sons, summer safety, and more
Summer has arrived in my piece of paradise, and I am celebrating by playing hooky, avoiding chores and other tedious to-dos in favor of a few hours of backyard bliss. Our world is in turmoil and I need to decompress. I garden, read, and complete New York Times puzzles, a challenge in a positive way. If a…
Unconnected and Unhinged, sort of
Why am I so attached to technology? Specifically my TV, computer, internet, and cellphone. I am perfectly able to take care of myself without these support tools. I can hold a physical, printed book in my hand and read. I can cook, garden, exercise, and sit on my porch and watch the world go by,…
Retired Once Again and Pondering a Universal Question
I have retired. Again. Not from paid employment, but from a part-time volunteer job. A couple of years before Covid our town sponsored a Farmers Market. Less than 20 vendors signed up and braved the unknown retail environment. This summer over 60 vendors fill a church parking lot every Friday morning. A waiting list of…
Musings on the Rhythms of My Life
Eons ago the sun, moon, and stars dictated life. Folks looked at the sky for information about weather and seasonal changes. What should I wear? Will it rain? Should I stockpile firewood? I check my cell phone for the temperature and decide what to wear. I stare at the weather channel when storms threaten. Should I…
Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers
What do you do when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open? The scenario: you have spent days awakened several times during the night, slept on a sofa instead of enfolded in a warm blanket in your comfy, spacious bed, popped up and down all day tending to an injured hub,…
Time and Energy – Priceless
There are only so many hours in a day. A cliché, I know, but a truism that becomes truer as the years fly by, at least for me. As I age and the years tick off one by one, it seems I have less time to do anything. I realize nothing changes, but my body…