Tag: Elizabeth Havey Reading Writing that’s what i do

  • Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers

    Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers

    What do you do when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open? The scenario: you have spent days awakened several times during the night, slept on a sofa instead of enfolded in a warm blanket in your comfy, spacious bed, popped up and down all day tending to an injured hub,…

  • Boomers on Art, Critters, Clothes, and more

    A round-trip drive to Long Island, NY has bracketed my weekends the past two months. Mom moved into an assisted living facility. My sister and I emptied her apartment and prepared it for sale. I typically avoid driving through Manhattan, the heart and soul of New York City, but Sunday I deviated from my normal…