Tag: family
A Very White Wedding Day
The hype before Valentine’s Day seems to increase and last longer each year. Or maybe it is simply my imagination. The cold and snowy weather this year brought back memories of the winter weather over my wedding weekend. I was not married on Valentine’s Day, but a week later… Engaged my junior year in college,…
Celebrating 100 Years of a Life’s Highs and Current Low
Mom celebrated her 100th birthday the first weekend of the New Year. Born January 2, 1925, she experienced the Depression, a world war, peace at home, and political turmoil twice; during the 1960s and 70s, and the ongoing saga of the latest decade. Her life embraced a happy only-child upbringing, college during the war years followed…
My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter
2024 began with a favorite activity – travel – a fun-filled family vacation in Puerto Rico, followed by a peaceful two weeks in Mexico, just my husband Steve and me. Immersed in a foreign culture, I spent a lot of time devouring delightful repasts I did not prepare. Back home I cocooned in New Jersey.…
The Humble Potato Shines on My Plate
The feasting season officially arrived. I finished leftover Thanksgiving fare on Saturday evening. My sister provided the banquet, and I returned home with a plate of delicious food: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping – excellent examples of comfort food, typical American fare, but not the healthiest choices. Broccoli represented greens…
A Proud Cat Lady Confesses
I grew up a cat girl. I don’t remember NOT having a cat roam around my house. Cats birthed kittens and my family often kept one or two of the offspring. Our cats ran free outside, never confined indoors. Black was the most prevalent color, Midnight an example of an appropriate name for one of…
Musings on Becoming Irrelevant
My Florida family rented a home in my resort community for two weeks. Teenagers now, the grandkids’ are immersed in their generational lifestyle. Friends rule. Family time is enjoyed until teen goings-on beckon. Their parents’ lifestyle is not a lot different than their kids. With friends who live in the Northeast, a shore vacation offers…
Retired Once Again and Pondering a Universal Question
I have retired. Again. Not from paid employment, but from a part-time volunteer job. A couple of years before Covid our town sponsored a Farmers Market. Less than 20 vendors signed up and braved the unknown retail environment. This summer over 60 vendors fill a church parking lot every Friday morning. A waiting list of…
A Memorable Library Visit, Thank You Grandkids
One of the pleasures of grandparenthood is chauffeuring the grandkids near and far. We live a thousand miles from our progeny, so visits are spread out and therefore special. At times simple missions produce unforeseen outcomes. My granddaughter skipped over to the children’s room, chose half a dozen books, dumped them in my lap, and…
Moving Mom Déjà vu
Fourteen years ago Mom moved from the home she lived in for 50 years to a condo in a 55+ apartment house. She adjusted well. Her friends and activities were within an easy driving distance, and my sister and I felt comfortable with her in a secure environment. Two years ago Mom reluctantly gave up…
Memories of a Manhattan Christmas
My childhood Christmas memories center on my aunt and uncle’s Manhattan apartment, overflowing with relatives, holiday trappings, and delicious food. But before the festivities began, my family had to travel to Manhattan. We lived on Long Island, normally an hour’s drive from Manhattan. Nothing was normal about driving on Christmas Day. New York City roads…