Tag: family life

  • Musings On Growing Up a Mid-20th Century Girl

    Musings On Growing Up a Mid-20th Century Girl

    1950s: Everyone argued with each other as the relentless heat irritated the entire family.  Dad finally cried, “Enough!” and moved the TV set to a large window facing the backyard. We marched outside, set up lawn chairs facing the screen, and passed bowls of popcorn, hoping the minutest breeze would relieve the heat and humidity.  “Great…

  • The Start of My Driving History with Cars 

    The Start of My Driving History with Cars 

    I began writing a blog post about my trip to the Baltic countries this summer, but got sidetracked when I walked to the drugstore a couple of blocks from my house for some much-needed toilet paper and a Starbucks Frappuccino (but I digress…). Situated in front of the store was the stunning vehicle pictured below. In…