Tag: gardening

  • Spring Arrives and I am Ready!

    Spring Arrives and I am Ready!

    The weather around my slice of the world has been erratic recently. One day cold and windy, a couple of torrential rain days, teaser days of sunny, warmish temperatures. Outside the cozy confines of my home, my gray yard starts to come to life. Yellow daffodils swing in the wind and green shoots sprout from…

  • The Arrival of a New Season Yields Memories and One Plentiful Crop

    The Arrival of a New Season Yields Memories and One Plentiful Crop

    We, meaning folks living in my town, state, and region of the world, have endured a week of dreariness. Rain, winds, chilly temperatures, and cloudy days prevailed. Grayness descended and refused to move on. The bleakness underscored the passing of summer and the arrival of fall.  One rainless, windless day, blue sky and sun peeked…

  • My Garden Bounty of Flora and a Couple of Fauna

    My Garden Bounty of Flora and a Couple of Fauna

    My garden, small by most standards, a patch in the front of my house in lieu of grass, has been unusually luxuriant this year. Too often annuals planted, either seeds or seedlings, never sprout and bloom. Perennials die over the winter or, if they grow, look rather sickly. This year was different. Long, hot sunny…