Tag: humor
My Next Year’s Intentions
I hesitate to use the lofty words ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions’. Previous years come and go, and unfulfilled ambitions are left behind. Looking back on 2025 a year from now, I don’t want to disappoint myself too much. I am trying to be determined yet realistic. Here are my (hopefully) reasonable and achievable intentions for the…
My Incredibly Uninteresting Annual Letter
2024 began with a favorite activity – travel – a fun-filled family vacation in Puerto Rico, followed by a peaceful two weeks in Mexico, just my husband Steve and me. Immersed in a foreign culture, I spent a lot of time devouring delightful repasts I did not prepare. Back home I cocooned in New Jersey.…
The Joy of Doing Almost Nothing
It is probably decadent to admit, but I can spend an entire day doing almost nothing. My seventy-something body occasionally sends me an unmistakable message: Enough! Stop! I need rest! I need to recharge! What follows is time spent doing almost nothing. It might be a short time, a couple of hours or longer –…
10 Excuses for Missing Exercise Class
Numerous articles appear in newspapers and magazines, on websites and blogs about the importance of exercise, especially for older folks. As an older folk, I often prefer to lounge on the couch rather than do almost anything involving bodily movement. Some days strolling to the kitchen for a cup of coffee qualifies as my daily…
I Am a World-class Procrastinator
I have learned many skills over the years, a lot useful, others not so much, and many forgotten. For instance my ability to solve math equations and speak a foreign language disappeared. Those particular brain cells are dormant, and resurrecting them a chore more difficult than I wish to tackle. One skill often used and…
Summer’s Curtain Falls and I Make My Fall To-do List
Summer’s lease hath all too short a date. – William Shakespeare The curtain closes on summer as fall creeps in. Hot weather still prevails, but evenings grow cooler, humidity drops, and darkness arrives before I am ready to move inside. There are too many things I want to do before it is too late seasonally… I…
A Proud Cat Lady Confesses
I grew up a cat girl. I don’t remember NOT having a cat roam around my house. Cats birthed kittens and my family often kept one or two of the offspring. Our cats ran free outside, never confined indoors. Black was the most prevalent color, Midnight an example of an appropriate name for one of…
This Week I Aged Another Year
A day dawned this week when I officially became a year older. At my age it is not a big event to close the chapter on one year and begin a new one, especially when the new year does not mark a milestone. A number ending in a 0 or 5 designates a benchmark year,…
A Memorable Library Visit, Thank You Grandkids
One of the pleasures of grandparenthood is chauffeuring the grandkids near and far. We live a thousand miles from our progeny, so visits are spread out and therefore special. At times simple missions produce unforeseen outcomes. My granddaughter skipped over to the children’s room, chose half a dozen books, dumped them in my lap, and…