Tag: Laurie Stone Writes

  • Boomer Breakouts and Home Predicaments

    Boomer Breakouts and Home Predicaments

    Travel can be fun, exhilarating, enlightening, magical…and exhausting. I returned this week from a week-long vacation with my 13-year-old granddaughter. Keeping up with a teenager 24/7 wore me out! But for me it was a trip of a lifetime – we traveled to the jungles of Ecuador and the Galapagos islands – and provided lifetime…

  • Mid-winter Musings on Aging, Getaways Forced and Planned, and more

    Mid-winter Musings on Aging, Getaways Forced and Planned, and more

    Balmy weather greets me each morning as I venture outside my temporary residence in the resort town of Ajijic, Mexico. Each day begins cool, then warms to mid-70s sunny skies. My first post on my senior-style vacay is here. Glad to escape the frigid landscape back home, I do not look forward to donning sweaters,…

  • December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    December Holidays on the Minds of the Boomers This Week

    I experienced the first snow of the season this weekend when visiting my Mom in Harrisburg, PA. It wasn’t a big storm, but enough to coat the world in white. A wonderful way to usher in the December holidays!  This season often initiates memories of past holiday festivities… They still haunt Laurie. She catches glimpses of…

  • Boomers Retreat as Winter Arrives and We Prepare for the Future

    Boomers Retreat as Winter Arrives and We Prepare for the Future

    Politics is not usually a subject for this blog, but this year’s Presidential election affected folks deeply. Many of us have entered a period of mourning. Our candidate did not win. As a result we ponder an uncertain future and brace ourselves for a rocky road ahead. Winter is almost here, literally and metaphorically. I…

  • Boomers on Food, Aging, Recovery, and More

    Boomers on Food, Aging, Recovery, and More

    It is a busy time of year – fall gardening and early holiday preparations, exciting sports games (Go Eagles! Go Mets! Go Yankees!), and the incessant bombardment of Election Day ads, news, and talk shows. But these goings-on have been background noise to my life for the past couple of weeks. I am recuperating from…

  • Best Of Boomers Labor Day Edition

    Best Of Boomers Labor Day Edition

    It is hard to believe summer is almost over. Not according to the calendar, but in the daily lives of folks I know. Grandkids head back to school, vacations end, summer residents pack up and move on. Hours of daylight contract, and oppressive humidity and 90-degree temperatures vanish.  The holiday weekend ushered in perfect transitional…

  • Fitness, Friends, Ghosting and more from the Best of Boomers

    My Florida family traded the mid-summer oppressive heat and humidity of their home state for two weeks at the Jersey shore. This year they decided not to squeeze into my house – spacious enough for hub and me, but far from roomy for a family of five, including three teenagers, and visiting friends. They rented…

  • Boomers on a new sport, the blessings of sons, summer safety, and more 

    Boomers on a new sport, the blessings of sons, summer safety, and more 

    Summer has arrived in my piece of paradise, and I am celebrating by playing hooky, avoiding chores and other tedious to-dos in favor of a few hours of backyard bliss. Our world is in turmoil and I need to decompress. I garden, read, and complete New York Times puzzles, a challenge in a positive way. If a…

  • Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers

    Nostalgia, Women’s Roles, and More from the Best of Boomers

    What do you do when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open? The scenario: you have spent days awakened several times during the night, slept on a sofa instead of enfolded in a warm blanket in your comfy, spacious bed, popped up and down all day tending to an injured hub,…

  • Boomers on Art, Critters, Clothes, and more

    A round-trip drive to Long Island, NY has bracketed my weekends the past two months. Mom moved into an assisted living facility. My sister and I emptied her apartment and prepared it for sale. I typically avoid driving through Manhattan, the heart and soul of New York City, but Sunday I deviated from my normal…