Tag: travel

  • Off Season Travel an Ideal Senior Activity

    Off Season Travel an Ideal Senior Activity

    Morning in upstate New York, end of October. Photo by Meryl Baer In much of the Northeast by the end of October leaves fall, tourists vanish, and a calm creeps over towns and tourist sites. The off-season reigns. Too late for vibrant, picturesque landscapes, too soon for ski and snow activities, visitors are sparse. There…

  • Summer Sticks Around and Covid Comes

    Summer Sticks Around and Covid Comes

    The unofficial end of summer came and went, but the sun gods did not receive the memo. Persistent, oppressive heat remains in my corner of the world, placing a damper on my desire to attack outdoor activities. I spent the Labor Day weekend in the Sunshine State on an exhaustive whirlwind of family activities, immediately…

  • Touring the Edge of Two Worlds and Seeing My World a Little Differently 

    Touring the Edge of Two Worlds and Seeing My World a Little Differently 

    I spent two weeks touring Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, three small countries that were part of the Soviet Union during most of the 20th century. All three threw off the Communist yoke and declared independence in 1991.  Today these Northern European states sit on the edge of two worlds – the West and the East, democracy…

  • Things I Liked and Things I Did NOT Like About My Baltic Overseas Adventure

    Things I Liked and Things I Did NOT Like About My Baltic Overseas Adventure

    My destinations? Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea in northern Europe. The three countries are emerging from the shadow of their 20th-century past as unwilling republics of the Soviet Union. They became independent in 1991 as the Soviet Union collapsed. All three countries turned westward and established democratic…