A Reality Show, Heart Health, Higher Food Prices, and more from the Boomers

A drive in, around, or through the New York metropolitan area can be a harrowing experience. There is no such thing as a traffic-free, no-hassle trip. Construction, traffic jams, and accidents all make the journey an adventure, and rarely a good one. Family matters found me visiting Long Island two weeks in a row, with a third drive to look forward to next weekend. 

While I confronted New York traffic and moved Mom into an assisted living facility, my fellow boomers were immersed this week in very different, and interesting, activities.

There were shows to watch…

They say curiosity killed the cat but if you read Carol Cassara’s blog regularly, you know her own curious nature has taken her down some quirky paths. This week she explores the reality show, Sister Wives, and how the act of being on TV can make life implode in unexpected ways.

Health concerns to examine.

Did you know that heart disease can be a cause of hearing loss? Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com interviewed a representative from Miracle Ear to learn more about how to prevent hearing loss and how to deal with it. 

Emotions to consider…

Many of us know that feeling, Laurie Stone writes. We start reading today’s headlines with their litany of destruction, hatred, and tragedy. We feel almost ill. Our pulse raises and our stomach tightens. We get depressed and anxious. Does this happen to you? If so, you might be an Empath. Here are 3 ways to tell…

And skyrocketing food prices to monitor.

Concerned about higher grocery prices? Price gouging from the food industry is keeping food prices up, says Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Read all about it in Robison’s article.

As we roll into the month of March we can start to think about, plan for, and dream about spring. March is also Women’s History Month. I just finished reading Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace, a fascinating look into how women lived and were treated in the early 19th century in a developing nation – Canada. I am grateful to live in a time and place where women’s lives are not as limited as they were in the past.


4 responses to “A Reality Show, Heart Health, Higher Food Prices, and more from the Boomers”

  1. Rebecca Olkowski Avatar

    And let’s hope women are not forced to go back to 1950s thinking as some are trying to make happen. Nice roundup, Meryl.

  2. Carol Ann Cassara Avatar

    You’re pretty brave to drive within the big city!

  3. Laurie Stone Avatar

    Thanks, Meryl! Always fun to read.

  4. Rita Avatar

    Nice job. I’m looking forward to reading the articles.