Tag: Laurie Stone Writes
A Reality Show, Heart Health, Higher Food Prices, and more from the Boomers
A drive in, around, or through the New York metropolitan area can be a harrowing experience. There is no such thing as a traffic-free, no-hassle trip. Construction, traffic jams, and accidents all make the journey an adventure, and rarely a good one. Family matters found me visiting Long Island two weeks in a row, with…
A Winter Round-Up from the Best of Boomers
I am home experiencing the cold, wet, windy weather. Not so happily. Hub and I spent two weeks in the ideal climate of Mexico’s Lake Chapala area, enjoying sunny days with temperatures in the 70’s. I was spoiled. No hats, gloves, coats, boots, and no shivering. Every day we took long walks through the town…
Best of Boomers Prepare for December Holidays
I am not a fan of the long, dark days of December. But there is an upside – the holidays of Chanukah and Christmas brighten our lives. We light candles to illuminate the darkness. Homes glow, inside and outside, with multi-colored lights. I prefer white, gold, and silver lights. I enjoy driving through dark neighborhoods…
Autumn Winds Down as the Boomers Play…and Work
Halloween marks the unofficial end of the autumn season in my world. Outside peak colors fade rapidly. Leaves shrivel, die, and fall onto my yard and sidewalk, waiting to be raked and removed. Trees appear barren. Colder weather sneaks in. Next weekend we turn back the clocks, and darkness will descend early evening. By late…
September Finds the Boomers On the Road, Reminiscing and Working
From Florida’s sizzling sun and balmy sea over Labor Day Weekend to the leafy green mountains along the Hudson River north of New York City, my September has been one of short travels and – Covid. Caught most likely in the Sunshine State while mingling with plane passengers, family, and strangers at a series of…
The Best of Boomers Summer Happenings
I returned this week from a two-week tour of three countries – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – that are emerging from the shadow of their 20th-century past, when occupied by the Soviet Union. As the Soviet Union collapsed, all three countries became independent and turned westward, establishing democratic governments. They are today modern nations that…
I’m Back With the Boomers This Week
Welcome to my new website, Musings of a Shore Life, a work in progress. This venture resulted from issues encountered with my previous blog, which is no longer available. It was time for a fresh start. I look forward to publishing posts about my sane life in the midst of an insane world. Come along for…